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Setting the Planning Area

The Planner app opens in 2D view with a default, rectangular planning area of 8.8m x 5.7m (28’ 10" x 18’ 8”). To change the size of the planning area, click on the > symbol in the Area button bottom left of the planning window. A new screen will appear where you can edit both the dimensions and the shape of the planning area. Dimensions must be at least 80cm (2’ 7”) and no more than 2,000cm (65’ 7”). When you have set the new dimensions, click on the Next button. On the following screen you can select from 6 pre-set planning area shapes. Click on the shape you require to select, then edit the exact dimensions of the area by clicking on, holding down and moving the corners and/or walls. Once you have your desired dimensions, click OK to continue.

Zooming In & Out of the Planning Area

You can zoom in and out of the planning area using either the - & + symbols in the Area button bottom left of the planning window OR the scroll wheel on your mouse. When you zoom in, arrows will appear on all four sides of the planning area. Click on these to move the planning area within the window.

Selecting Product Groups and Product Collections

On the left side of the planning window you will see a list of product groups - Lounge, Modular Lounge, Dining, Occasional Tables, Deco and Parasols. Click on a product group to expand the menu and display the product collections within each group. Click on a product collection to show the individual products as small thumbnail images below the planning window.

Selecting and Placing Products

Click on the desired product thumbnail image in the horizontal bar below the planning window and, while holding the mouse button, drag the product onto the planning area. A plan-view line drawing of the product appears instantly. As long as this drawing is coloured green, the product can be placed anywhere within the planning area. If the drawing is coloured red, the product cannot be placed on the plan and will disappear when the mouse button is released. Products cannot generally be placed on top of each-other (Parasols and Pendant Lights are exceptions) – which is typically why a drawing will be coloured red.

When different colour variants of products are available, you will see the different options as small round swatches below the thumbnail image. Click on the desired colour variant below the thumbnail image to select. You can also change the colour variant once the drawing is within the planning area by clicking on the line drawing and again selecting the desired colour variant using the small round swatches below the line drawing.

Selecting and De-Selecting Products Placed on the Plan

You can select one or more products placed on the planning area by simply clicking on the product with the mouse. Selected products turn green. You can also ‘marquee’ an area on the planning area with the mouse by clicking, holding and moving the pointer to select a group of products. All products wholly contained within the rectangle will then be selected together and turn green and the overall dimensions of the group of products will also be displayed. To deselect the products, simply click on a blank area of the plan.

Move, Rotate, Duplicate or Delete Placed Products

You can move one or more placed products at any time by clicking on the product or product group and then moving the mouse while holding the mouse button down. In addition, small round editing buttons for rotating, duplicating and deleting will appear next to the selected product or product group.

Click on the round button at the centre of the selection to duplicate the activated products, then drag to an empty space on the plan with the mouse button pressed down. For fine-tuning the position of products, the planning area can be enlarged by zooming in on the area using the scroll wheel on your mouse. Individual products can also be moved in small (2cm / 0.8”) increments when selected by using the cursor (arrow) keys on your keyboard.

Tip: While moving/rotating, press the "Shift" key on the keyboard. The activated products can now only be moved vertically/horizontally or rotated in increments of 45 degrees.

Connecting Modular Furniture

Modular furniture will automatically connect or ‘snap’ together when products are placed in close proximity to each-other. When you place a modular product close to another product that it is designed to connect with, the planner will automatically ‘snap’ the two products together. You may need to rotate the products as you import them to get the correct orientation of each to allow them to connect together in your desired configuration.

Measure Tool

Using the mouse pointer to ‘marquee’ a group of products will automatically display the overall dimensions of the ‘group’ of products selected. Alternatively, you can use the Measure button bottom left of the planning window to measure different areas of your furniture plan. Click on the Measure button, then move the mouse pointer to your desired starting position on the plan. Click and hold the mouse button and drag the pointer to your desired ending position. The dimension will then be displayed. Click the Measure button again and the measurement on the plan will disappear.

Automatically Saving

Your current plan will be regularly saved in the background on your PC locally. The next time you open the planner in your browser again, everything will appear exactly as you left it when you last closed the design planner.

Save Function

If you wish to permanently save your plan, click on the Save button bottom centre of the planning window. A new screen will appear where you will be asked to give the plan a file name. Input the file name of your choice and then click to either ‘Save Internally in Browser’ or ‘Save as a .txt file to Disk’. By saving as a txt. file you then have the option to send this file to other users, who can use the Load tool to upload the txt. file so they can see your saved plan.

Sending Function

If you click on the Send button bottom right of the planning window, your standard email application opens with a new email that contains a special link to the planner. If you open this link in another browser or on another device, the planner is loaded and your current plan will automatically be restored. This way, you can archive plans or share them with other people.

Load Function

If you have previously saved a plan using either the ‘Save Internally in Browser’ or ‘Save as a .txt file to Disk’ options, you can re-load the plan using the Load function. Either select the required plan previously saved internally in browser using the drop down list of saved plans, or browse your device to download the previously saved .txt file.

Print Function

If you click on the Print button bottom right of the planning window, a new window will appear with the complete plan, plus a list of the products used below. You can then print out this plan/product list to your local printer.

Product List

Click on the Product List tab top centre of the planning window to see a complete list of products used in your plan. Colours and dimensions for each product used are included with the list of products alongside thumbnail images of all products for visual reference.

3D View

When you have finished creating your plan in 2D view, click on the 3D View tab top left of the planning window to see the plan rendered into 3D. This may take some time depending on your internet connection speed and also the number of products in the plan.

You can change the flooring material in 3D view using the options bottom left of the planning window. The default is Neutral, with two other options available to show either Tiles or weathered Teak planking.

With the Rotate button bottom right of the planning window selected, click and hold the mouse button to rotate the 3D view. With the Move button bottom right of the planning window selected, click and hold the mouse button to move the 3D view. You can zoom in and out of the 3D view area using either the - & + symbols in the Area button bottom right of the planning window OR the scroll wheel on your mouse. To reset the original 3D view and zoom level, click on the Reset icon bottom right of the planning window.

At any time in 3D view you can save a screen shot to your device by clicking on the Save As Image button bottom centre of the planning window.